This is one of the concerns most Parents have when they choose to take the path of parenting with Calm. There is a high chance that the other spouse may not be moving at the same pace with them or disagree with the conscious parenting methods.
Do you find yourself constantly arguing with your spouse about their parenting style especially when it comes to discipline? If yes, here are 4 strategies I recommend you apply.
Indeed mindset is everything. Your mindset affects your approach towards your spouse. You need to understand that your spouse isn’t at the same level with you and probably do not have as much information as you have on the subject matter. So cut them some slack and find ways to make him see what you see. Both of you come from different backgrounds and you were raised differently so it’s understandable if your husband’s parenting style doesn’t match with yours. What you should do is have a conversation with him and let him know that you want to explore the calm parenting style. Show him why your method is great and how it benefits your child. Don’t be emotional about it, Be factual. Don’t share opinions, share facts figures and researches.
Know that it is not you against your spouse, you both need to work as a team for the interest of the child. If you have a better method of handling things, be proactive enough to handle challenging behaviors as they come up. If you are able to handle things effectively consistently, it’d be easy to win your spouse over. Even if your spouse is still acting aggressive with your child, you can respectfully express yourself and let him know the effects it has on the children.
Don’t attack your spouse in front of your child. This will hurt their ego and your child might suffer the transfer of aggression. Do repairs when necessary and have private conversation around what you think they might have done wrong. Encourage them to try your methods and how them how to go about it.
Sometimes signing up for Counselling or coaching as a couple will sort you out. If your spouse continues with the parenting styles you do not appreciate, you might want to seek the help of a Counselor to help you both. Always bear in mind that whatever parenting style you choose is for the benefit of your child.
In summary, be clear on what your methods are and how it serves for the benefit of the child, communicate it clearly and intelligently, walk thy talk and provide real life evidence that your methods work
If your spouse can see that the kids are behaving well without you being aggressive with them, it can convince them that it works.
I hope this helps you.
Have any strategy you’ll like to add to the above? Share it in the comment below: